Your Office for Invisalign® Aligners in Hollywood
Whether you have unwanted gaps in your smile or are dealing with an overbite, you may question what orthodontic treatment is right for you. At the Dental Care Center of Hollywood, we're privileged to offer Invisalign clear aligners. Invisalign treatment allows you to straighten your smile without needing bands, brackets, and wires like traditional braces. You can rest assured that our dental team will work to make your overall experience as comfortable as possible.
We've spent years improving our Invisalign treatment process to be efficient and effective. From using iTero® digital scanners to take impressions of your teeth to creating custom retainers to keep your smile straight following treatment, we're committed to your satisfaction. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment with our team and get the Hollywood Invisalign treatment you need!
Is Invisalign Treatment Right for Me?
Invisalign treatment, also referred to as invisible braces, can be used to address a wide range of common dental misalignment issues for adults. Whether your smile is overly crowded or you have widely spaced teeth, Invisalign clear aligners may be right for you. Using a series of clear trays that gently apply pressure to targeted areas, Invisalign clear braces can create dramatic changes in your smile.
When you visit our office for the first time, we'll sit down with you to determine if treatment is right for you. X-ray technology can give us a better look at your teeth, gums, and jawbones. Once we decide if Invisalign treatment is right for you, we'll craft a treatment plan that's designed to fix your smile issues. During your treatment, you can expect to change your aligners every two weeks until your teeth reach their ideal positions and see our dentist every month or two to monitor your progress.
Benefits of Invisalign Treatment
From their transparent appearance to their overall comfort, Invisalign clear aligners offer many benefits. If you're unsure whether Invisalign treatment is right for you, our team will give you the information you need to make confident oral health decisions. Some of the benefits of Invisalign treatment include:
Quicker Treatment Time: While every situation is unique, a typical Invisalign case takes about a year to complete from start to finish. You'll be given additional aligner sets every few visits to continue your treatment. Typically, the number of clear aligners worn during treatment is between 18 and 30, but treatment time and number of aligners vary from case to case. Although Invisalign treatment often takes less time than traditional orthodontics, our office also offers Invisalign Express treatment for milder cases. All in all, Invisalign Express treatment can take only a few months to complete.
Discreet Appearance: At Dental Care Center of Hollywood, we understand that your smile is an extension of your personality. Traditional orthodontics include brackets and wires that can make you self-conscious about your smile. One of the most significant benefits of Invisalign treatment is that it uses clear trays. As such, you won't draw unwanted attention to your smile during treatment. This can make Invisalign clear aligners an ideal treatment option for working professionals and students.
Improved Comfort: One of the most common complaints about traditional orthodontic options is their discomfort. Invisalign clear aligners are perfect for patients looking to comfortably straighten their smile. Our practice takes impressions of your teeth and gums using iTero 3D technology, which captures detail with precision. The result is a smooth and comfortable plastic tray that perfectly contours your smile. You can comfortably wear your Invisalign clear aligners all day without feeling abrasiveness or rough edges in your mouth.
Invisalign Treatment FAQs
It's normal to have various questions about our Hollywood Invisalign clear aligners. We enjoy talking about our offerings, and our friendly and responsive dental team is here to answer any of your questions. Some frequently asked questions about Invisalign treatment include:
Although we stress the importance of keeping track of your aligners, we understand that mistakes can happen. If you lose an aligner, we recommend contacting our office immediately to start the process of ordering a replacement set.
Absolutely. Proper and consistent cleaning of your aligners is crucial to ensure their effectiveness. Some of the instructions we'll provide you include how to clean your aligners and how to store them while eating.
Yes. We'll provide you with a complimentary set of lab-created retainers. Your retainers will help keep your smile straight following treatment and typically only need to be worn at night.
Dependable Invisalign Treatment in Hollywood
At Dental Care Center of Hollywood, we're passionate about helping you get the straight and healthy smile you deserve through high-quality Invisalign clear aligners. Invisalign clear braces are an ideal option if you're looking for a way to get long-lasting orthodontic results comfortably and discreetly. Contact us today to schedule your next visit and get the Hollywood Invisalign treatment right for you!